Forum and comment rules

This is a moderated Web site.  You must be registered with a valid email address to leave a comment.  Upon registering you will be sent an email to the address you supplied.   If you do not respond to that email then your account will not be activated.  This has proven to be an effective method of filtering out spammers.

No commercial advertising of stuff for sale is allowed here unless approved by or done by me.  No profanity.  No religious ads.  No trackbacks or links to spam or porn sites. No discrimination because of race, sex, religion, age, country of origin, etc.  No fighting online.  The site owner is allowed to place direct ads.  No one else is. No links to porn sites.  No hacking or attempting to hack user accounts.  If I detect evidence of hacking attempts, to include trying to. find or exploit vulnerabilities, you will be blocked (paid account or not) and outside authorities may be notified. There are about 10 pages of don’ts.., too many to list them all individually, however, common sense should be a good guide.

This website is about guns, collecting them, fixing and restoring them and shooting them. If you don’t like guns, you are on the wrong website.

The site is not about: cars, boats, your favorite religion, religions you do not like, politicians you don’t like, politicians you do like, good drugs, bad drugs, UFO conspiracies, sex, how to make money online, and a hundred other things I don’t wish to see here. If I see it, I will probably delete it.  More to the point I may delete you too and also throw an IP block up so you won’t be back.  I may even share my version of why I did it with other similar website owners or discuss it with users or maybe even law enforcement if I find it egregious enough.

Follow the above rules, enjoy the site, tell us about the gun you are making, collecting, refurbishing, shooting, interested in, etc.  Ask questions, someone may know the answer. Have fun.  Reply when it suits you.  Start new threads.  Feel free to leave feedback suggesting new forum topics. I am hoping to soon configure things so you can directly upload photos but for now try the url link thingie it may work.
